martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

We have to look for the place of love... Busquemos el lugar del amor...

We have to look for the place of love...

we have to look for the place of love, ...
is not question to keep it handy,
or of not found it never, is no question of lose by unwillingness
or by not value their need.
We have to look for the place of love,
too far it is not, around us continually
your strength and your goodness,
if do not look for it,
if with indifference , we kill him,
if we do not give value, never we are going to find it,
it is,.... believe it or not, at reach of your hand,
close to your lips,clutching your side..
if you ignore it,he is diluted in the immensity.
time find to feeling, clings to the heart,
time recognizes her hair..the hair of love, and
comb it, embellishes it,it not allow it to put old,
no leave die in the attempt to lose it, by vanity
of the nothing..
We have to look for the place of love, we scratch
within , like searching a faithful treasure
without equal ...light up the candles for make a great party,
because the eagerness to find that place,
deserve our soul not die with hate in your veins,
do not apologize to your heart per not feel its essence..,
digs deeper into your skin, in your sensitivity, in your emotion,
please..... look for it...
We have to look for the place of love ..
do not sleep full of greed and pain
whenever you want , I'll confess my
secret to get to find it,is hidden very small,
inside a flower, then goes out and gets larger,
as large as your values...
We have to look for the place of love...
when you find him, you'll feel life from the heart

Autorship:Raquel Norma Smerkin Roitman
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De: Norma B Papinutti traducción del español e imágen.

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