martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Souls who are found... Almas que se encuentran,,,

Souls who are found

Souls are passing on the matter, souls that complement an eth ...ereal relationship, these souls do not know aware of covenants and convenience are pure feeling, which expresses the heart. So is your soul and mine in silent harmony navigate the waters of emotion, so our frequency, when your soul comes across one that kisses you in the center of your being. Souls are from the same womb from which all souls were born ... As equally beautiful is love, caress, form pairs of love, supporting miseries. Souls blessed by God because they have found the desired depth in the corners of that soul who knows well your heart ... Souls who are found to make this life a lot more intense, worthwhile undress in front of it, stripping the feelings, to merge with each other forming a distinct complementation of love ...

Authorship: Raquel Norma Smerkin Roitman
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De: Norma B Papinutti  traducción               9.08.2011

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