lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Let us Build a new heaven... Construyamos un cielo nuevo...

Let us Build a new heaven ...

I want you to help me
to create a sky
a sky wide and ...true,
that do not vanish,
do not touch to the hell ...
An inviolable sky,
an eternal heaven ...
I want that with your hands
of sublime artisan
star by star
we might compose a new heaven
where we can
love from the soul
as true brothers ...
Build a new heaven
clean dust
as did the Little Prince
in his story for adults,
written from a child ...
We have the tools
that we have in
our dreams,
Let us make alum
a new light
in all the feelings ...
Working steadily
to be deep
that universal love
that roams
all over the world,
but lost and
without destiny ...
Let us build a new heaven ...
This lack of oxygen
choking to the feelings ...
Which is why I ask you help
to build a new heaven ...

Authorship:Raquel Norma Smerkin Roitman
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De: Norma B Papinutti  Traducción al español e imágen.

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