jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

I had a dream that became a feeling...(tuve un sueño que se transformó en sentimiento...

I had a dream that became a feeling...

I had a dream that became a feeling, a dre ...am which was strongly felt, a dream that I came to invade my soul like a balm of love ... I had a dream that was more than that, it was a mirage that was for me no illusion ... I woke shocked because that dream with a strong flow looking to disarm me my heart ... I had a dream that got away because he would not be true, it hurt his shot and wounded me his sudden freedom ...intense dream that dared to pierce and break me in two. I had a dream as he walked away, he would cry my eyes, and my soul, I was saying goodbye ... It was only a strong dream that turned into feeling, so much hurt ...

Authorship : Raquel Norma Smerkin Roitman
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De: Norma B Papinutti  Traducción...    11.08.2011

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